Register for THE No Drama Llama Meetup

The Drama Triangle or Karpman’s Triangle models the connection between personal responsibility and power in conflicts and defines the destructive and shifting roles people play in non-assertive relationships.

He defined three roles in conflict: Persecutor, Rescuer, and Victim. Karpman placed these three roles on an inverted triangle and referred to them as the three aspects or faces of drama.

The Victim will always say "I can't"

The drama triangle is in fact a manipulative matrix in which we often shift between the 3 roles without being aware of it.

The drama triangle is not bound to a specific relational area and appears even in professional relationships.

The Rescuer will always seek a person in apparent need to BE saveD

The roles in the triangle are dynamic, so we can navigate through them and quickly go from a Victim position into a Persecutor one. The Drama Triangle does not mean that there are 3 people in the interaction, but we access 3 roles.

The Persecutor will always focus on their own needs and only follow their interest

What can this triangle do in the organizational environment?

Let's find out together on the 21st of March, 6 PM, at Unirea Hotel, Vega Room.

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