Evenimente din comunitate

Ne place să ne întâlnim din când în când și să le oferim membrilor care ies în evidență ocazia să susțină prezentări captivante, împărtășindu-și cunoștințele și perspectivele. Întâlnirile noastre au devenit un loc unde comunitatea se conectează, schimbă idei și își hrănește curiozitatea. Aceste sesiuni combină învățătura cu distracția, stimulând discuții interesante și inspirând participanții să descopere noi domenii de cunoaștere. Împreună, facem o călătorie de creștere și conectare intelectuală.

Nonviolent Communication - Words Building Bridges

Ever wondered how communication can become a game-changer? Nonviolent Communication gives you the tools to navigate conflicts, take responsibility for your reactions, and deepen your connection with the people around you, but also with yourself.

Octavian is a Certified Trainer with the US Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and a dedicated member of the Association for Nonviolent Communication (ACNV). In 2010, he embraced the transformative principles of Nonviolent Communication, seeing their potential to reshape how people work together, adding compassion and care while actually making them more productive.

The Somatics of Emotions

Our body is like a superhero, capable of remarkable feats! It's an extraordinary organism with the ability to adapt to stressful situations. Even when feeling a bit tired, unmotivated, or lacking resources, it rises to the occasion when faced with mandatory tasks like going to work.

Dr. Orest Bolbocean is a neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and researcher, ranked among the top 5 P-DTR specialists worldwide. He has consulted and treated over 10,000 patients, with more than 80% of his patients coming from referrals.

Taming Your Inner Critic

The inner critic is a voice we often hear that can halt our progress. However, what if we changed our perspective? What if we explored its motives, origins, and how it can actually support us? By doing so, we could gain control over it and move forward in our lives with more confidence.

Ines is a Compassionate Inquiry certified practitioner, Flow Coach and Nirvana Fitness instructor. Through her extensive knowledge and personal experience, she guides people to look at themselves with kindness and compassion, accept their past stories, and take responsibility for their present lives.

Harnessing Your Innate Natural Power

Personal power is the consequence of a mindset, which in turn is something that we train, cultivate and work for. It implies attention, behaviour and invested time. Harnessing personal power involves tapping into your inner strength and potential to achieve your goals and create the life you want.

Maria is an NLP Trainer & Master Practitioner and Certified Life, Health & Business Coach. Since 2014 she’s been helping businesses and people to be more successful by understanding their power and how to unleash it.

Who Are You As A Leader

Sometimes leaders are like magicians, trying to handle all these sensitive activities without impacting the team, the management, or the client. Whether it is meeting deadlines, setting up new processes, completing tasks, writing reports or answering client requests, all these activities need to be done while also taking care of the team, creating a space for them to blossom, grow and perform.

Iulia is a change strategist and likes to help people turn their lives around by removing barriers. Her experience as a leader started 13 years ago and this is the role in which she feels she contributes the most by helping her teams grow as people as well as professionals.